Our Ethics

Ending Abuse of Power

As an organization founded to end the abuse of power, we foster an inclusive organizational culture based on our values. It is what enables each one of us to accomplish our mission with integrity and accountability.
We understand we have a duty of care in relation to staff and the people we serve. We ensure that we safeguard participants, staff, children, and partners from any form of harassment, sexual harassment, abuse, or any other form of abuse of power.
We are committed to train our staff and people we serve regularly on our ethics and on ethical behavior.
We protect victims as well as witnesses, so that they feel comfortable reporting. We commit to investigating breaches of our Code of Conduct seriously and transparently.
We have put strong policies and mechanisms in place and ensure they are widely shared and understood across our global organization by our teams and people we serve.

Learn more by downloading our Code of Conduct and Safeguarding Policy.

We have zero tolerance for harassment, abuse, and exploitation and take all concerns seriously.

If you have a safeguarding or ethics concern related to Women in Action, our staff, or representatives, please report it immediately by

emailing info@winuganda.org